Pandangan Pemuda Terhadap Nilai-nilai Budaya Dalam Tradisi Jalasutra Di Desa Srimulyo Kecamatan Piyungan Kabupaten Bantul

Dwi Lestari, Sumaryati Sumaryati


The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has been known not only because of its geographical shape which eventually gave rise to the title of archipelagic state because of its geographical condition in the form of thousands of islands with a wide sea in the middle. The background of this research is the shift in values, the erosion of local culture, the fading of traditional values, and the lack of interest of the younger generation in culture. There is a phenomenon that local cultural values in Indonesia, especially in the cultural values of the Javanese tradition, are not well understood and internalized by the millennial generation. Recently, it has been seen that the younger generation is very different when compared to the previous generation, in terms of socialization and socialization, thinking patterns, and ways of solving the problems they are facing. Meanwhile, today's youth still seem indifferent to the social problems that exist in their environment. The purpose of this study was to find out the views of youth on cultural values in the Kupatan Jalasutra tradition in Srimulyo Village, Piyungan District, Bantul Regency.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. The research subjects are community leaders and 5 youths. The object of this study is Youth Views of Cultural Values in the Kupatan Jalasutra Tradition in Srimulyo Village, Piyungan District, Bantul Regency..
The results of this study indicate that the Youth's View of Cultural Values in the Kupatan Jalasutra Tradition in Srimulyo Village, Piyungan District, Bantul Regency, namely (1) Youth's view of the value of ancestral respect that is expressed by the existence of this tradition where one of the stages is visiting the tomb of Sunan Geseng, ( 2) The Srimulyo Village Youth have the view that the value of mutual cooperation involves the entire Srimulyo community in carrying out the Kupatan Jalasutra ritual ceremony from the initial planning to the end of the ceremony, (3) The Youth view that the asset value in this tradition is that when carrying out this tradition, many people come to witness so that it can be used as a tourism facility and increase the economy because it can open booths around the location of activities, (4) The view of youth regarding the value of obedience and order is that the value is related to the smooth running of the Kupatan tradition so that there are no riots and so on, (5) The Youth of Srimulyo Village revealed that in the Kupatan Jalasutran tradition the value of togetherness is reflected in the mutual attitude of maintaining harmony in society to build brotherhood among the people


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